Category Archives: At Work

The Sign

One of the many du’a (prayers) I had made in Masjid Al Haram during my umrah last Feb is to have a good and succesful career at work.

Few days later, while I was in Quuba Mosque in The Prophet City of Madinah, a headhunter rang me. Not a good time. However, I gave a hint to talk briefly. She then talked about an exciting opportunity with a supermajor. I didn’t discuss much further and in detail about it owing to the situation at that time.

Will this be the sign? I don’t know.

During the last few months I have been a witness to departures of close friends to move to another companies: two went to UAE, one to Oman, one to Aberdeen, one to Saudi, one to Australia, and two to Indonesia. While it is normal thing to expect from a life of an expat, but still it left me with a question: what if I were they.

I am repeatedly comforting myself and I am afraid that I am creating a too-much comfort zone inside and around my life. Sigh.

Imaginary inner voice:  “Just go back focused to work Wahyu and get another Outstanding appraisal like last year!” 🙂

CFSP: Another Feather in My Cap

After waiting for almost 3 months, the long awaited result finally came today (21 Sep). I got certified in functional safety after passing an exam conducted on 29 June 2012, in UK. Prior to this exam, I took a 4-day course on the subject, managed and delivered by exida ( ) . I scored 39/40 points in multiple choice and 16/20 points in short answer questions; enough to pass 80% minimum points requirements to become certified in functional safety. It means I can bear the title CFSP (Certified Functional Safety Professional) title.

Alhamdulillah. Another feather in my cap. Thanks to Qatargas, our supervisor and manager, and my family for all your supports.

A brief intro about functional safety.

Functional Safety is the part of the overall safety of a system or a piece of equipment that depends on the system or equipment operating correctly in response to its inputs, include the safe management of likely operator errors, hardware failures, and environmental changes.

Functional Safety is achieved when every specified safety function is carried out and the level of performance required of each safety function is met. This is normally achieved by a process that includes the following steps as a minimum:

1. Identifying what the required safety functions are. This means the hazards and safety functions have to be known.

2. Assessment of the risk-reduction required by the safety function. This will involve a Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Assessment.

3. Ensuring the safety function performs to the design intent, including under conditions of incorrect operator input and failure modes. This will involve having the design and lifecycle managed by qualified and competent engineers carrying out processes to a recognised functional safety standard. In Europe, that standard is IEC EN 61508, or one of the industry specific standards derived from IEC EN 61508 (i.e 61511 for process industries)

4. Verification that the system meets the assigned SIL

5. Conduct functional safety audits to examine and assess the evidence that the appropriate safety lifecycle management techniques were applied consistently and thoroughly in the relevant lifecycle stages of product.

The Certified Functional Safety Expert program helps individuals gain the knowledge and skills to become recognized experts in the application & design of safety systems.

The CFSE certification program entails both a review of the applicant’s experience and the satisfactory completion of a proficiency exam. Passing the CFSE exam requires a solid in-depth knowledge of functional safety. Many applicants choose to augment their existing skill set prior to the exam by attending one of the optional preparatory training classes offered by our partners.

Certification is provided in two levels; CFSE and CFSP. The CFSE is aimed at professionals where functional safety is a major part of their role in the organization. They are typically responsible for leading, coordinating, and reviewing the activities of the safety lifecycle, including the more complex activities such as SIL Selection and SIL verification. The CFSP is targeted at professionals where functional safety is a secondary role or they are expected to support safety lifecycle projects on an execution level.

safety lifecycle as per IEC 61508



Is certification worth pursuing?

I recently obtained a NEBOSH International Technical Certificate for Oil and Gas Operational Safety  after challenging a-week-long course (conducted from 3pm-9pm last Ramadan) and a 2-hour exam (on the first day of Eid Al Fitr!), passing it with Distinction Mark (71 mark, with minimum passing grade of 45). The certification covers the principles of process safety management in the oil and gas industries.

The question is “Is it worth pursuing?”

In my class at that time were a personal health trainer who wanted to switch career, a security supervisor who wanted a better pay, safety trainers, a mechanical technician who demanded by his client for certification, and auditors whose clients are oil and gas companies. So getting certification has many reasons. Unfortunately, many seems perceive certification as a powerful shortcut of getting a job.  Obviously having it is better than not but it is one’s experience and personal skills that makes one the best person for the job. Passing certification doesn’t automatically make he/she an expert and experience still need to be gained.

This is what I truly gained from the certification process. Almost 13 years of experiences in oil and gas industries (not only in safety) shaped me, loaded me with necessary competencies to perform in this field. Certification is then becoming a means for selling point or added professional image to the current company or potential employer. Passing an exam is not that difficult as long as you examine all previous exam questions and prepare variety in questions (I am afraid that passing certification means simply someone “knows” how to answer exam questions, unfortunately). Those with more than 10 years of field experiences in oil and gas industries should not expect much knowledge gain from this NEBOSH ITC for Oil and Gas Operational Safety . To me, this certification is more suitable for employees who are new to the field, or those are in the early career in the field.

As a user company employee frequently working with contractor personnel loaded with many certification, I should make myself more aware the first point in this post about experiences, skills and expert.

Nevertheless, I am glad to be certified and will pursue another certification: Certified Function Safety Exoert (CFSE) and Certified Safety Professional.

Back to the question, “Is certification worth pursuing?”

May be.


Today is probably one of my happiest day. After verbal notification and rumours flying around, I received a formal letter this morning about my promotion from Senior to Lead, 2 years and 10 months since I joined Qatargas . Good thing is it is with effect from 1st July 2011.  All praises to Allah. Alhamdulillah.

Below is my thank you letter to my bosses. Feel free to copy 🙂


Dear XYZ,

I received the formal letter about my promotion this morning.

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate this recent promotion to Lead Loss Prevention Engineer. I  (and of course my family) are very pleased to accept this promotion.

I want to thank you for the expression of confidence in my abilities that you have exhibited by this gesture and will certainly do my very best, with the same or even more dedication as always, not to disappoint you and the organization. I am looking forward to my new responsibilities. I assure you that I would definitely be a value-added addition to SEQ Department and Qatargas.

I am truly grateful for your continuous  support.

Sincerely yours,

Overloaded March

I’ve never been so overloaded at work. This March sees me withuninterrupted days of workshop representation, risk assessment, safety studies, meeting, site visit, and technical review. Just to name a few, I am/will be involved in Helium Project Technical Review, Pipeline Integrity Management System, 5 Shutdown Risk Assessments, 2 Terminal Risk Assessments, HAZOP for QG3&4, day-to-day operational  & technical issues. But those are consequences of being a service provider. As a senior loss prevention engineer in QG Operating Company, my tasks are among others dealing with providing loss prevention engineering advices, technical review of design and modification, facilitating a risk assessment or similar safety study. With now QG Opco operating 5 trains (2 more trains are coming shortly), a refinery, terminal, and many common facilities, much more pressures are put on us to provide the same quality level of work amid limited resources; not to mention some requests occasionally from capital projects.

One risk assessment meeting will only last about one or two hours, but it is the preparation work what takes much time: for planning, reading and understanding scope of work, method statement, technical standard and references, and discussing with related parties.

The beauty is however the opportunity to learn something new , interact with many parties, and sharpen my technical skills.

Vacancy in Qatargas – Kesempatan Indonesia!

Back to where it all started adalah temanya. Karena dari Indonesia-lah  Qatargas berawal…dan sekarang mereka balik lagi untuk menjemput calon pekerja terbaik.

Silahkan mengirimkan CV ke alamat email di bawah. Sayang sekali tidak ada detail requirements. Mohon menyesuaikan diri. Jika terpilih akan ada interview di Jakarta 11-14 Juni 2009.

—– start quote ——–

Assalamulaikum WW

Bapak2 dan kawan2 sekalian. Ini ada permintaan  CV dari HRD Qatargas. Kalau ada anak 2  Kawan2 yang  yang berminat untuk ngisi lowongan terlampir tolong dikirim CVnya sama saya [deleted] atau [deleted].
 biar kami teruskan ke HR Qatar gas. Karena team Qatar gas akan ke Jakarta tanggal 11 Juni ini, kirim secepatnya.



 Head of Shutdown Operations

Sent: 28/May/2009 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: Back to where it all started: Jakarta June 11-14

 Operations Department




 Inlet Receiving



 Maintenance Department

Mechanical EngineerCondition Monitoring Engineer

Planning Engineer

Rotating Equipment Engineer

Workshop supervisors

Instrument Engineer

Control Systems Engineer

Analyzer Specialist

Electrical Control Engineer

Senior Mechanical Technician Senior Electrical Technician

Senior Instrument Technician

HVAC Foreman

Senior HVAC Technician

Senior Electrical Control Technician

Turbine Control Foreman

Senior Turbine Control Technician

Senior Condition monitoring Technician

Senior Vibration Technician

Senior Analyzer Technician


Maintenance Department – Planning and Shutdown Division


Head of Shutdown

Planning Engineers

Planners (Maintenance)

Contract & Cost Officers

Senior Material Planner

Material Planner

Contracts Administration Officer

Cost Control Officer


Singkatan apa pula ini? Hari Hari Hampa Aku Berjauhan dari Cintaku (gubrakkk!!! maksa mode on)….

Aku dapet singkatan ini waktu mengikuti First Aid Training, tanggal 12 Januari lalu. HHHABC adalah singkatan dari Hazard, Hello, Help, Airway, Breathing and Circulation dari Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

Ketika kita mendapati orang yang perlu mendapatkan CPR, urutan langkah HHHABC itu bisa diikuti:
Hazard – Cek bahaya di sekeliling. Pastikan bahwa Anda, korban dan orang yang membantu berada dalam posisi yang selamat. Masak mau menolong malah ikut jadi korban…
Hello – Cek apakah korban merespon. Guncang bahu korban pelan-pelan dan teriaklah dengan lantang? Hello!!! Are you OK!!, misalnya.
Help – Mintalah bantuan jika korban tidak merespon. Mintalah orang lain mendekat sambil Anda memeriksa jalan nafas dan pernafasan.
Airway – Buka jalan nafas dengan menengadahkan kepala ke belakang dengan memegang dahi dan dagu. Jika kepala atau lehernya terluka, buka jalan nafas dengan membuka rahang dan tidak menggerakkan leher. Jika Anda melihat ada yang menghalangi jalan nafas, ambillah. Lidah umumnya penghalang jalan nafas. Dengan menengadahkan kepala, lidah akan membuka jalan nafas.
Breathing – Cek apakah korban bisa bernafas normal. Lihat pergerakan naik turunnya dada sambil mendengarkan hembusan nafas dari hidung selama 10 detik. Jika korban tidak bernafas dengan normal, mintalah orang menelpon ambulance. Jangan lupa minta orang lain itu menyebutkan Usia, Jenis Kelamin, Lokasi kejadian, dan Kondisi korban.
Circulation – Mulailah melakukan chest compression jika korban tidak bernafas. Dengan berlutut di samping korban, posisikan pangkal telapak tangan kanan dua jari di atas pertemuan rusuk bawah. Telapak tangan kiri berada di atas tangan kanan dan jari-jari mengunci di sela-selanya. Jangan menekan di atas perut atas atau di atas tulang dada. Posisikan Anda di tas dada korban dan dengan lengan yang lurus tekan sedalam kira-kira 2 inchi. Lakukan penekanan dengan rate 100/menit. Setelah 30 kali, tengadahkan kepala dengan mengangkat dagu, dan beri pernafasan buatan (mulut-ke-mulut) sebanyak dua kali (tutup hidung korban). Lihat apakah korban bernafas normal kembali. Jika tidak ulangi lagi sampai 4 set keseluruhan (1 set sama dengan 30 kali kompresi dan 2 kali nafas buatan). Selesai satu siklus, periksa kembali ABC. Prosedur hanya berhenti kalau pertolongan tim medis sudah datang, korban sudah bernafas normal, keadaan tidak aman, atau Anda kelelahan.

“Tanya Pak! Bagaimana kalau waktu memeriksa korban (step B), korban tidak sadar tapi bisa bernafas dengan normal dan tidak ada cedera kepala?”
Jika itu keadaannya, bawalah korban ke recovery position. Caranya, rentangkan dua tangan korban, kemudian tangan kiri taruh di bawah dagu di atas leher, lalu balik korban kea rah tangan kanan. Kaki kiri diluruskan dan kaki kanan ditekuk. Setelah itu, panggillah tim medis.

“Tanya lagi Pak! Kalau yang tidak sadar anak kecil?”

Kalau anak kecil, sebelum melakukan kompresi, beri 5 kali pernafasan buatan. Lakukan kompresi dengan satu tangan atau dengan dua jari kalau untuk bayi (Anak-anak diberi 5 kali pernafasan buatan dulu karena jantung anak-anak masih bagus, jadi masalahnya kebanyakan di pernafasannya (paru-paru)).

“Afham. Afham. Nah sekarang, kalau orang hamil, atau perempuan gimana Pak?

Kayaknya si korban langsung sadar karena gak mau kamu CPR-in.


Kalau kamu yang gak sadar aku tinggal aja. Kamu banyak nanya, ikut kursus CPR aja sana………

Hadiah dari Bos

Bosku, Hasan, baru pulang dari Umrah, awal Januari ini. Katanya dia sudah lama janji sama keluarganya untuk ngajakin umrah tapi gak sempet-sempet. Makanya pas awal tahun yang gak sibuk dia sempetin pergi umrah.

Pagi itu seperti biasa, sapaan pagi bersliweran, Assalamualaikum , How Are You, Morning…dan sebagainya. Hasan seperti biasa masuk ke ruanganku, kali ini membawa kresek besar. Basa basi bentar lalu dia mengambil sebuah buku dan nunjukin ke aku. “Wahyu, waktu umrah aku melihat ada buku agama berbahasa Indonesia. Saya pikir bagus buat kamu. Coba lihat? Apa artinya ini?” Dia menunjukkan sebuah buku bertulis “Kiamat Kecil”. “Oh, minor resurection”, jawabku. Ini adalah satu dari serial aqidah Islam katanya.

Lalu dia menyerahkan kresek besarnya. “Ini semuanya buat aku?” sambil membawa kresek yang terasa berat.

“Kamu tidak harus melakukan ini Hasan”. “Aku benar-benar tersanjung, dan sangat berterima kasih”, ujarku masih dalam kekagetan. “Saya harap itu berguna buat kamu”, katanya sambil keluar kamarku.

Buku serial aqidah Islam ini berjumlah 8 volume terbitan International Islamic Publishing House ( Dalam 8 volume karangan Umar Sulayman Al Ashqar itu tercatat subyek mengenai Iman kepada Allah, Dunia Malaikat, Dunia Jin dan Setan, Rasul dan Risalah, Kiamat Kecil, Kiamat Besar, Surga dan Neraka, dan Qadha dan Qadar.

Serial Aqidah Islam - hadiah dari bosku dari umrah
Serial Aqidah Islam - hadiah dari bosku dari umrah

Terima kasih, Hasan!

Senior Loss Prevention Engineer

….itu adalah position title-ku yang baru. Posisi ini berada di bawah SEQ (Safety Environment Quality) Department. Seorang manager mengepalai department dan seorang head mengepalai Loss Prevention Team. Di bawah Head ada Lead Loss Prevention Engineer (dan seorang experienced Loss Prevention Engineer di bawahnya) dan Senior Loss Prevention Engineer (dan seorang junior loss prevention engineer di bawahnya). Cukup ramping ya.


Urusan safety dan fire emergency dihandle oleh team lain. Namun demikian menurut head overlapping pekerjaan masih dimungkinkan.


Tugas seorang loss prevention engineer umumnya adalah melakukan risk assessment studies – hazard identification, hazop, what-if etc., dan melakukan Quantified Risk Assessment menggunakan  computer based consequence modeling programs.

Idealnya seorang loss prevention engineer mampu melakukan risk assessment, familiar dengan program consequence modeling dan pengalaman di E&P activities offshore dan/atau onshore, atau di petrochemicals.


Pekerjaan yang bisa aku lihat sangat mendesak terkait dengan akan di commissioning dan startup-nya Train 4 LNG Plant akhir 2008/awal 2009. Berturut-turut berikutnya Train 5 dan Train 6&7 tahun 2009/2010. Full production diharapkan tahun 2010.


Menurut Frank P. Lees, Loss Prevention is characterized by:

a. an emphasis on management and management systems,particularly for technology

b. a concern with hazards arising from technology

c. a concern with major hazards (three big major hazards are fire, explosion and toxic release)

d. a concern for integrity of containment

e. a systems rather tan a trial-and-error approach


Some other features which are characteristics of loss prevention are the use of:

f. techniques for identification of hazards

g. a quantitative approach to hazards

h. quantitative assessment of hazards and their evaluation against risk criteria

i. techniques of reliability engineering

j. the principle of independence in critical assessment and inspections

k. planning for emergencies

l. incident investigation


together with

m. a critique to traditional practice or existing regulations, standards, or codes where these appear outdated by technological change.


Lee's Loss Prevention in the Process Industries - buku wajib Loss Prevention Engineer

Jenis-jenis Kontrak

Special Contract: 

  • Fixed term of up to 2 years
  • For temporary positions only or for specific tasks/projects
  • Specific terms and conditions that can vary depending on management requirements
  • Can be monthly all inclusive lump sum payment that may / may not include some allowances and benefits depending on the nature of the job.
  • Or base salary and certain allowances/benefits can be listed separately, depending on the requirements of the position and management.
  • All salary and benefits are fixed and should not be altered for the duration of the contract period, unless a change in Company policy dictates otherwise.
  • Normally a fixed term contract comes to an end automatically once it has reached its agreed end point – there is no need for an employer to give notice


Definite Contract:

  • Three year fixed term, rarely two year term
  • For both permanent and temporary positions
  • Base salary fixed for the three year period.
  • No entitlement to annual Merit increase.
  • ESB at 1 month for each year of service
  • All other allowances and benefits applicable as per Company policy.


Indefinite Contract:

  • Open ended contract with no fixed term
  • Permanent positions only
  • Entitled to annual merit increases
  • ESB scaled from 1 month up to 2 months salary for each year of service, depending on period of employment
  • All other allowances and benefits applicable, as per Company policy